“Great Success” V Reality of Marine Deaths

So sad this, that I had to do these pages in black and white …

August 2022

Look! that seismic blasting ship is surveying the new coal mine area as well as the nuke dump plan area….why?

Boom every five seconds for 3 weeks 24/7

During and following seismic blasting this happens:

8th August – dead seals at Drigg beach

Whitehaven – unusual reports of Harbour Porpoises approaching paddleboarders

18th August

Harbour Porpoise dead at Drigg beach

250 barrel jellyfish dead at Silloth

2nd October

“loads of” moon jellyfish dead at Silloth (jellyfish are food for other creatures inc. turtles)

5th January 2023

“unusual” stranding and death of juvenile Pilot Whale – Silloth

9th January

Seal dead at Maryport

2nd February

Common Dolphin dead at Seascale

5th February

Harbour Porpoise dead at St Annes, Fylde Coast

25th March 2023

Harbour Porpoise dead at Silverdale

The list goes on – Nuclear Waste Services say the seismic blasting was a “great success” and invite conservation groups to join the “Partnership” into

“research” including the drilling of 1km deep boreholes into the Irish Sea, adjacent to the World’s largest stockpile of Plutonium at Sellafield. Advisor on “Investigation techniques” is CEO of West Cumbria Mining ie Coal Mine Boss (who is employed by the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management as key advisor)

NOTE : for those who want to see ‘proper evidence’ the following is an appendix to a letter from lawyers Leigh Day sent on behalf of Radiation Free Lakeland to the authorities including the Marine Management Organisation and DEFRA. DEFRA confirmed the deaths – the authorities deny any responsibility. This is not the full extent of deaths.

5 thoughts on ““Great Success” V Reality of Marine Deaths

  1. Almost unbelievable, unfortunately the top people in these companies, / government departments/ government, will say it’s not our fault & not live anywhere near the area that will be affected, makes me so mad!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How can this very clear conflict of interests be legal? This story needs to make the headlines and a protest to Downing Street needs to happen, perhaps the bodies of those poor sea creatures should be dumped on the doorstep of the “Advisor”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The people doing this and calling it science are deluding themselves. Well, the public are not fooled. We know its stupid, unrealistic and seriously damaging to the planet but greed is deaf, dumbe and stupid.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Sounds terrible – have you evidence (press reports etc.)? – This is the first time I have seen information about these incidents, independant verification should be shared widely


  5. The problem is that the UK has generated a lot of nuclear waste from decades of nuclear power in the UK and the generation of 139.2 tonnes of Plutonium Pu239 at Sellafield, namely enough Plutonium to manufacture circa 16, 000 nuclear bombs, namely enough to blow up the World many times over, namely to utterly destroy human civilization. It seems that the recent blastings offshore the coast of Cumbria is part of the death cult of our politicians in government. Civil nuclear power is like a Faustian bargain with the Devil, namely quick and convenient energy now in the short term, in return for selling one’s soul to the Devil, namely high level nuclear waste for hundreds of thousands of years, threatening the biosphere. All this nuclear stuff is sheer madness and insanity.

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